Saturday, 7 February 2015

Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate is life. Let's get that out there early. So my Aunty bought me a vegan recipe book for Christmas which I was browsing through yesterday. In it is a recipe for a chocolate mousse which looked devine. I decided I would make that today but then found a 'variations' page which gave alterations to the recipe to make truffles and the truffles looked a lot more fun. So here we are now, with a fridge full of truffles in mini cupcake cases. Just a pre-warning - I quarted the recipe and got 10 balls. I will reveal the recipe for the yummy balls below but I have had an idea I want to mention first...

These balls are quite soft so I would recommend quick handling and storing in the fridge. As they are so soft I've decided that, hopefully tomorrow, I will go and get some more chocolate and coat them in melted chocolate to create a hard coating around the soft centre. More like a lindor chocolate. So hopefully, I can give that a go tomorrow and add pictures and comments to the end of this. If they go well they will be so good. The chocolates currently sit at around 60 calories each but we will have to see once I've added yet more chocolate. Everyone needs a treat once in a while.

These truffles are good because they're simple. Four ingredients: tofu, chocolate, vanilla essence and icing sugar. Not difficult ingredients nor are they weird ones that no one ever has in their cupboards. I hate recipes like that - a thousand ingredients that you've never heard of let alone have in your cupboards. But on to the recipe.

Making the chocolate truffles:

So the ingredients:
350g tofu - preferably silken
275g vegan chocolate
225g icing sugar
1 TSP vanilla essence
Optional: 2 tbsp amaretto/few drops almond essence

Place the tofu in a food processor or mash it by hand with a fork until the texture is smooth.

Sift the icing sugar into the tofu mixture and combine until well mixed. Then add the vanilla essence to the mixture.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, stirring frequently until smooth. Pour into the tofu mixture and beat by band to combine. Place in a dish to chill for 2 hours in the fridge.

After the chilling time, work quickly to roll the mixture into several small balls. If you have them available, drop the balls into mini cupcake cases. I quartered the recipe so yours will make more than this.

Sift either icing sugar or cocoa powder over the top of the balls for decoration. And viola!

Chocolate Coated Truffles:

Melt two rows of chocolate (80g?) in a double boiler, stirring until smooth.

Get your truffle balls from the fridge and roll them around in the chocolate with a spoon.

Coat all of the balls and drop them back in to the mini cupcake cakes with a spoon.

Sift cocoa powder or icing sugar over the top of the balls before they harden and then place back into the fridge to chill and there should be a hard chocolate coating with a soft centre.

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